Thursday, April 26, 2007

NetZap frequency

I'm interested with NetZap advertisement in couple mailing-list. Some information about NetZap which I've collected from internet are :
- Netzap using TD-CDMA technology. This technology similar like W-CDMA, except it doesn't need to pay fee to qualcomm and the technology is using TDD.
- The service similar to 3G, but NetZap doesn't buy 3G frequency allocation from Indonesia government.
- NetZap doesn't use 2.4 GHz, so that mean it will use other frequency allocation
- NetZap have certified equipment & license from Post & Telecommunication Indonesia

So, which frequency used by NetZap ? According to Wikipedia, TD-CDMA is using 1.9 GHz, 2 GHz, 2.5 GHz and also 3.5 GHz.

I've found the answer from Postel
NetZap is using 2GHz.


ipstories said...

2.0 Bam...

Anonymous said...

An Unheard Lady GaGa Single was Dug Up this afternoon with no traces of where it came from.
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More info at

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