It's like dream come true. This morning I saw carrefour advertisement in Kompas, they sell LG LCD Flat Panel 23LC1RB 23" wide screen for
Rp 3.5 Million (around $380) from original price Rp 5.6 Million. Have checked on the internet, most store sell it at $600-800 . Also in
www.tokolg.com for 20" is Rp 4.6 Mill and 26" is Rp 7.6 Million This afternoon I went to Kelapa Gading Carrefour, but there is no stock available. They said the LCD is run out and we can still buy it, on Monday they will deliver it.
Can't wait till monday, arrgghh. It will be very comfortable using 23" for my computer monitor & TV in my study room.
The spec for LCD are :
- Resolution 1366 x 768
- HD ready
- Viewing mode 176° x 176°
- Contrast Ratio 700:1
- Weight 20.1 lbs
If you stay in Indonesia, hurry up as this is very good deal, while stock last! And don't forget to buy Durian Thailand for only Rp 8750/Kg at Carrefour :-)
lo kok malah promosi durian thailand juga, dibayar yach ama carefour? :D
btw emang bisa tuh tv jadi laya monitor kompi? maklum gaptek :D
Iya Pak. Untuk LCD sebenernya nggak ada bedanya antara TV dan Monitor komputer. Perbedaan LCD TV adalah tambahan TV tuner di dalamnya. Dan kadang LCD monitor komputer resolusinya bisa lebih besar.
Untuk duren, ya promosi dikit, jarang2 dapet harga murah :-)
This is picture nice I like this .
This is my first comment and this is a very good LCD flat panel.
Well I like how you worded the title firsssst of all. your posting was quite interesting, but is that really how it is??
Well Im sure that its really good so I hope nothing changes its really kool :)
Mr Ibam, i interested with your marketing, please send one to my house :D.
(this is side job from Junos ?)
Great Review Ibrahim! Well written and quite descriptive as well.. If any item or topic comes out then you should be the one releasing it to the public and make it known! The way you describe it is very intriguing and feels like candy to my ears, if that really makes any sense :) but you catch my drift.. In one of my classes, we were given a paper with instructions of how to build a swan made of aluminum foil and we had to explain to our group verbally how to construct the swan.. It was difficult! But, manageable and we came second in place, but it was tasky :) Nevertheless if you post anything else up I will most definitely check it out! Great review!
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