Thursday, April 5, 2007

Half of Internet traffic is P2P!

According to NTT reports and others, P2P occupy 50% of internet traffic. As people know, normally P2P is used to download movies, songs, books which are violating the copyright. So in few country, P2P is blocked by the ISP. How about Indonesia ? I believe many companies/ISPs also have tried to block P2P but not because of copyright, but because bandwidth consideration.
Blocking P2P for corporate users might be ok as users should use internet for their job (not for downloading movies), but for home users may be not acceptable in many cases. Home users will try to find other ISP that don't block P2P. If the policy come from government forcing all ISP block P2P, it will be good. At least 50% of internet traffic can be used for the usefull things.


dikshie said...

utk gambaran lebih jelas coba lihat disitus web cachelogic :-)

dikshie said...

Kenjiro Cho, Kensuke Fukuda, Hiroshi Esaki and Akira Kato.
The Impact and Implications of the Growth in Residential User-to-User Traffic.
SIGCOMM2006, pp207-218. Pisa, Italy. September 2006.

Ibrahim / Ibam said...

Ada masukan gimana menangani trafik P2P di ISP ? Kalau di lingkungan kampus mungkin bisa di block dimana user nggak bisa komplain. Tapi kalo di ISP, customer bisa kabur :-)

dikshie said...

wah lagi ngga punya ide.
yng jelas traffic p2p ndak bisa diblok begitu saja krn kecenderungan kedepan p2p akan jadi salah satu aplikasi Internet yng sering digunakan contohnya FreeBSD, NetBSD saja sudah secara resmi menyatakan iso image nya dpt didownload via bittorrent.

dikshie said...

saya jadi ingat papernya Thomas Karagiannis:
Should Internet Service Providers Fear Peer-Assisted Content Distribution?
Thomas Karagiannis, Pablo Rodriguez, Dina Papagiannaki
Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), Berkeley, CA, USA, October, 2005.
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